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General Information
How ingredients are made
Modified starch
Sugars and sweeteners
Plant-Based Proteins
What is High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and is it bad for health?
In which products can I find starch and starch-based ingredients?
What is the difference between glucose-fructose and fructose-glucose syrups?
Are Maltodextrins chemicals?
Does starch contain gluten?
Are Starch-Based Sugars Artificial?
What is modified starch and why is it modified?
What Are Insoluble Fibres?
What are the sugars produced by the Starch Industry?
Why are plant-based proteins important?
How Does the Starch Industry Promote Sustainability?
Why do some Modified Starches have E-Numbers?
How are sugars metabolized in the body? Are naturally present and added sugars metabolized in the same way?
Should I Be Worried About Consuming Modified Starches?
What proteins come from the European starch industry?
Is it true that we should avoid eating fructose?
What Are Soluble Fibres?
Are added sugars worse for my health than naturally occurring ones?
How can you tell if a food product contains starch-based ingredients?
What is the nutritional importance of starches?
What is a glucose-fructose syrup and how is it made?
How do we know how much sugar we are consuming?
Are Modified Starches Additives?
I’ve seen a study saying that HFCS causes intestinal cancer - is this true?
Does eating starch make you fat?
How are starch-based ingredients made?
What happens to the starch in a potato when it is getting old? Is there an odour?
Are Modified Starches Genetically Modified?
What are naturally occurring sugars?
Can I get the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from food?
Why is wheat gluten used in food?
Is starch only used in food?
Is it true that fructose has benefits?
Why do we need to use starch-based ingredients to make food?
Does starch contain fibre?
How Are Starch-Based Sugars Produced?
What are dextrins and why are they used?
Why is Fibre Important for my Health?
Sorbitol, Mannitol, Maltitol, Erythritol…What are they?
What are added sugars?
What is the difference between Native and Modified Starches?
Are Maltodextrins a different name for Sugars?
What is resistant starch?